The wheels of the Shovelingtrolley used for shoveling prevent snow, dung, and sand from being trapped inthe area to be cleaned. The shoveling component's mouth has an oval shape thatallows it to grasp the region that needs to be cleaned and clean it aseffectively as possible. The Shoveling trolley's gripping shape allows it to bereadily steered in the cleaning area.
Providing easy cleaning of areassuch as snow shoveling, fertilizer shoveling, sand or soil shoveling, the Shovelingtrolley offered with movable and fixed grip head options is actively used inareas such as construction, garden, agriculture and industry.
You can look through our TunaPlastic, Hangar Metal product category, which can be used for a long time dueto the oval mouth structure appropriate for Shovelinging and the powerful airand rubber wheel feature, which is available with angle adjustable and fixedoptions with Hangar Metal Shoveling trolleys.